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Logo or Image not Getting displayed

Logo or Image not Getting displayed

If you’re using UltimatePOS version 2.11.4 do this:

In UltimatePOS version 2.11.2 we implemented an easy way to fix images issue.

  1. Login in UltimatePOS with Administrator account (or superadmin account)
  2. Go to <pos_directory>/public directory via FTP or cPanel and delete “storage” directory if present. This may or may not be present.
    PS: don’t delete <pos_directory>/storage.
  3. Run and it will fix the image issue. If it displays some error the check the error information as given below.

If you’re using a lower version then 2.11.2 then follow the below steps or update your version.

  1. This can happen if the “symbolic link” is not created successfully during installation steps.
  2. Go to <pos_directory>/public and delete “storage” directory if present. This may or may not be present.
    PS: don’t delete <pos_directory>/storage.
  3. If you’re using in localhost then open your command prompt (cmd) or if in hosting server then use shell access to login via terminals. Contact your hosting provider if you need details on accessing via terminal.
  4. Go to pos directory:
    cd <pos_directory> 
  5. in the pos directory run the below command:
    php artisan storage:link
  6. If it shows success then check your application, it should show the images now.

If it shows some error like:

  • Undefined command “php” then add php to your environment variable or check your server documentation on running php via command line.
  • symblink() Permission denied: Change permission of public directory as mentioned in the installation doc.
  • symlink() has been disabled: Contact your hosting provider to enable it.
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