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  4. [ADDON]: Asset management Module/Addon
  5. Asset management module

Asset management module

Installation & update steps for the asset management module are the same as any other module.

Installation steps

Update Steps

Features in Asset management module for UltimatePOS:

  1. Add assets
  2. Track assets warranty
  3. Categorize assets
  4. Get details of asset counts
  5. Allocate assets to an employee or users
  6. Allocated/UnAllocated assets
  7. Revoke asset
  8. Asset maintenance
  9. Asset Return (coming soon)
  10. Asset history (coming soon)

Asset maintenance

Asset maintenance helps to maintain assets under repair or any kind of service related to it.

Any user who has been assigned an asset can send it for maintenance when required.

Sending it to maintenance will send an in-app notification & also an email notification if enabled to some of the selected recipients.

Sending assets for maintenance:

Asset maintenance:

‘Asset send for maintenance’ notification:

This notification is sent when a new asset is sent for maintenance by any user.

‘Asset assigned for maintenance’ Notification:

This notification is sent when a user is assigned an asset for maintenance(repair/do servicing etc)

Change Log:

V0.8 – June 23, 2022:

  1. FIX: Permission issue
  2. IMPROVEMENT: The request sender can write/edit the “Maintenance note” (it should be readonly for them) and the maintenance receiver can write/edit the “Send for maintenance details” (it should be readonly for them)

V0.7 – April 26, 2022:

  1. NEW: Complete Asset maintenance with notification.

V0.6 – February 8, 2022:

  1. Minor Bug fixes
  2. Language translation added

V0.5 – February 4, 2022:

  1. Initial release
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