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  5. [ADDON] Project Management module for UltimatePOS

[ADDON] Project Management module for UltimatePOS


  1. Create Project: Add a new project by providing the required details (Go to Project -> New project)
  2. My Tasks: The tasks assigned for the particular user will be viewed in this page when they login.
  3. Reports: The project report is listed based on time logs.
  4. Project Category: Category for project is added by clicking the add category button.


  1. Follow the preconditions, if not done, as given here Link
  2. Follow this installation step. Link


Follow the same update steps as for other modules. Link

Release Notes:

September 22, 2020, Version 1.6

  • Menu layout changes
  • Minor fixes & Improvements.

July 17, 2020

  • Added location option in add/edit project invoice
  • Project invoice sales added in profit & loss report
  • Adding payment for invoice fixed.
  • Other minor fixes & improvements.

March 2020

  • Initial release
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