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  5. [ADDON] CRM module for UltimatePOS

[ADDON] CRM module for UltimatePOS

CRM Module for UltimatePOS

CRM stands for Customer Relationship management


  1. Followup
    1. Followup with Leads, customers & Supplier
    2. One-time followup
    3. Recurring followups
    4. Followup based on Pending/Partial/Overdue invoices
  2. Leads
    1. Add/Edit/Delete leads
    2. Convert leads to customer
    3. Leads source: Know which source (e.g google/facebook etc) leads are converting to more customers.
    4. Leads life stage: Know the life stage of lead (New/Qualified/Opportunity/ etc)
  3. Campaigns
    1. Email & SMS campaign
  4. Contact Login
    1. Multiple logins for customers & suppliers
    2. Contact can check previous orders, purchases, sales, payment & ledger.
  5. Proposal
    1. Create proposal templates with Subject, Body & attachments
    2. Send proposal to leads
  6. Report
    1. Follow-ups by user
    2. Follow-ups by contacts
    3. Lead to customer conversion

Installation Steps:

Follow the steps as given in Module Management installation 

Update Steps:

Follow the steps as given in Module Management Updating

Video Demonstration:

coming soon.

Version Log:

V1.7 – July 13, 2022

  1. NEW: Commission to contacts of a customer
  2. FIX: Proposal email config issue fixed
  3. FIX: CC & BCC option in send proposal
  4. FIX: Dashboard permission

V1.6 – March 26, 2022

  1. NEW: Added follow-up category option
  2. NEW: Added date range & category filter in CRM dashboard follow-up data table.
  3. NEW: Added view links in CRM dashboard follow-up data table.

V1.5 – Nov 26, 2021

  1. NEW: Order request
  2. Fix – Settings permission issue

V1.4 – Oct 14, 2021

  1. Fixed module updating issue.

V1.3 – Oct 08, 2021

  1. Order request from customer login
  2. CRM settings added to enable/disable order request

V1.2 – Sep 02, 2021

  1. Compatibility fix with latest version of UltimatePOS.

V1.1 – May 02, 2021

  1. Minor fixes & improvements

V1.0 – March 04, 2021

  1. last/upcoming follow up added on lead
  2. campaign feature improvement
  3. Converted by and converted on added to lead to customer conversion
  4. Crm reports added
  5. followup calendar converted to datatable
  6. Sell sub status added to api
  7. Added query param to api paginate response
  8. Contact person added to add a contact form
  9. Miscellaneous fixes & improvements

V0.8 – January 13, 2021

  1. Fixes & Improvements

V0.7 – December 21, 2020

  1. Changes schedules to “Followup”
  2. Added an option to add “Followup” in list leads
  3. In dashboard added the source conversion %

V0.5 – October 21, 2020

  1. The initial version released.
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