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  5. [ADDON] API or Connector module for UltimatePOS

[ADDON] API or Connector module for UltimatePOS

API or Connector Module for UltimatePOS

This module provides the API for use in UltimatePOS


All the API provided are mentioned in the official API documentation

Installation Steps:

Follow the steps as given in Module Management installation 

Update Steps:

Follow the steps as given in Module Management Updating

Additional update steps:

This step needs to be followed after updating UltimatePOS:

  1. Login with superadmin account
  2. Go to Connector -> Clients
  3. Click on the “Regenerate” button as given in the screenshot below.

Generating client id & Client secret:

  1. After installing the API-Connector module login with superadmin username & password
  2. Go to Connector -> Clients
  3. Click on “Create Client” button and it will show a popup.
  4. Enter the name (any name is fine) & Save
  5. In the list of clients, it will show the id, & secret. Check screenshow below.

Video Demonstration:

Version Log:

V1.7, – Released Feb 2, 2022

  1. Permission checks added to sell list API
  2. Sell permission checks added to sell list API
  3. Multiple payment status filters added to sell list API
  4. Expense subcategory API endpoint added

V1.5, Nov 26, 2021

  1. Currency precision and quantity precision added to business setting API response
  2. Sending lot details in sell list and product list API, if request parameter is set to true.

V1.4, Oct 08, 2021

  1. Source field added to sells
  2. Filter by source implemented on sell api

V1.3, Sep 08, 2021

  1. Added discounts on products/variations api
  2. Added reset password api
  3. Added public invoice URL in sales

V1.1, Aug 18, 2021

  1. User register API added
  2. Other API improvements

V1.0, May 02, 2021

  1. Fixes & improvements in API

V0.8, March 04, 2021

  1. Permissions list added to logged in user details API
  2. API created for CRM->follow up & lead list
  3. additional follow-up info field added in API & filter parameter name changed in the list follow up API
  4. pagination added in list of supplier/customer/lead API
  5. Search and order by added in supplier/customer/lead list API
  6. Permission check added to list leads API
  7. sorting added on list follow-up API
  8. status/follow up type filter added for list follow up API
  9. pagination & customer info added in the list follow up API

V0.7, December 21, 2020

  • Various minor updates, fixes & improvements

Initial Release – V0.5, Nov 11, 2020

  1. Initial release.
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